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Most of the larger fish species in Europe, particularly sharks and rays, are threatened with extinction. ©Fotolia Nikolai Sorokin

Big fish in big trouble in Europe

A new study by an international team of scientists, published in Nature Ecology & Evolution, warns that many large fish species, including many of the sharks and rays of Europe, are threatened with extinction. Confirming the findings of previous...

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Accelerated greening is having a warming effect in the cold climates of boreal regions and an opposite cooling effect in warm climates of semi-arid regions. ©Fotolia, author: Smileus

Increased worldwide greening found to mitigate regional temperature differences

A JRC-led article recently published in 'Science' finds that the increase in global vegetation density has had substantial climate impacts in recent decades, with a warming effect in cold areas, and a cooling effect in warm areas. The findings...

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Each month, Elsevier's Atlas Award showcases research that could significantly impact people's lives around the world or has already done so. ©Elsevier

Environmental heritage paper honoured with international award

An international study warning of how World Heritage Sites are being damaged by human activities, of which the JRC was a co-author, has won a prestigious international award for scientific publishing.

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Wheat and barley in some of Europe's most important production regions are affected by water stress. ©Fotolia; author: afishman64

Dry and cold weather affects yield outlook

Yield forecasts for winter crops – published today in the May issue of the JRC MARS crop monitoring Bulletin for Europe - were revised downwards by 2-3% at EU level compared to the April Bulletin. The yield forecast for spring barley and rapeseed is...

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Jaguars, the largest felines in America, are under serious pressure from habitat loss and land use intensification. ©EU; author: Gregoire Dubois

Corridors that can save jaguars

A new study has assessed and provided management recommendations for the main corridors linking the few remaining jaguar populations in northern Argentina, in the southernmost part of the range of this emblematic species in America. The study was led...

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Photo: Milla Popova

The science, policy and practice of nature-based solutions

A scientific paper on so-called Nature-Based Solutions has been produced in the ALTER-Net (Europe's Ecosystem Research Network). Such solutions to societal problems are currently being actively pursued e.g. by the European Commission, but the concept...

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Photo: Markus Sirkka

How Essential Biodiversity Variables and remote sensing can help national biodiversity monitoring

Essential Biodiversity Variables (EBVs) have been suggested to harmonize biodiversity monitoring worldwide. Vihervaara, P. et al. studied how well Finland’s current biodiversity state indicators correspond with EBVs, and how national biodiversity...

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Agriculture is responsible for much of the nitrous oxides emitted into the atmosphere, largely through fertilisation. ©Fotolia, author: Ludmila Smite

Integrating nitrous oxide emissions to inform climate-smart agriculture

In a recently published article, JRC scientists describe a new model framework that extends a large-scale soil survey to include nitrous oxide (N2O) emissions, in order to provide an independent instrument in support to policies oriented towards...

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Probabilistic Evaluation of Ecological and Economic Objectives of River Basin Management Reveals a Potential Flaw in the Goal Setting of the EU Water Framework Directive

The biological status of European lakes has not improved as expected despite up-to-date legislation and ecological standards. As a result, the realism of objectives and the attainment of related ecological standards are under doubt.

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In the course of the LINA mother-child cohort study, UFZ scientists investigated the lifestyle and environmental factors of pregnant women and their influence on the allergy risk of infants. Photo: UFZ / André Künzelmann

Phthalates increase the risk of allergies among children

Phthalates, which are used as plasticizers in plastics, can considerably increase the risk of allergies among children. This was demonstrated by UFZ researchers in conjunction with scientists from the University of Leipzig and the German Cancer...

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This new sourcebook aims to guide biodiversity monitoring in tropical forests using remote sensing to inform national and sub-national policy and decisions, convention commitments and targets. ©GOFC-GOLD and GEO-BON

Sourcebook of Methods and Procedures for Monitoring Essential Biodiversity Variables in Tropical Forests with Remote Sensing

A recently published Global Observations of Forest and Land Cover Dynamics (GOFC-GOLD) sourcebook aims to support the efforts of the United Nations Convention on Biological Diversity to halt biodiversity loss by providing information on data and...

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Urban Water Atlas for Europe offers 360° view on water management in cities. ©EU 2017

Urban Water Atlas for Europe - 360° view on water management in cities

On 27 April 2017, the European Commission published the Urban Water Atlas for Europe. The publication – the first of its kind – shows how different water management choices, as well as other factors such as waste management, climate change and even...

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Adonis vernalis disappeared from Halle in the 19th century. This species depends on nitrogen-poor soil. It is currently classified as endangered in Germany. Photo: UFZ / André Künzelmann

Urbanisation costs billion years of evolutionary history

All over the globe, the urbanisation of landscapes is increasing. 60% of the land surface which is expected to be urban by 2030 is currently not built on at all. How this will impact on biological diversity will only be apparent in retrospect....

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Same directive, different quality standards for EU rivers

New study shows significant differences i EU member states environmental quality standards for pollution in rivers. Under the Water Framework Directive of the European Union (EU), member states are to establish national environmental quality...

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In several regions of Europe, flowering rapeseed was affected by frost after mid-April. ©Shutterstock, author: eugeniek

Fairly positive outlook for winter cereals

According to the April issue of the JRC MARS crop monitoring bulletin for Europe published today, conditions of winter cereals are good, but more rain is needed to sustain high yields.

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Mangrove restoration at Spaans Lagoen, Aruba

Recently work on mangrove restoration begins at Spaans Lagoen, Aruba, an internationally important wetland designated as a Ramsar site. WEnR have been involved since 2015 in giving advice to the Government of Aruba in relation to the impacts of a new...

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Photo: Tero Väisänen

Finnish research institutes planning centre in Chile to develop quality of environmental measurements

An international project has been launched at the Finnish Environment Institute (SYKE) to plan a national Center for Environmental Reference in Chile together with the Finnish Meteorological Institute and VTT Technical Research Centre of Finland Ltd....

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HINKU municipalities reduce climate emissions by nearly a third in eight years

Emissions from municipalities in the Carbon Neutral Municipalities (HINKU) network declined by an average 29 percent in 2007 - 2015. The greatest decreases in emissions were in the municipality of Ii (50%), Kitee and Lieksa (36%) as well as Lohja and...

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The Mediterranean Sea is characterised as a low-productivity ecosystem and thus it is very easy to overfish the existing stocks. ©Fotolia, Microgen

Saving our heritage, our future: The worrying state of Mediterranean fish stocks

Fish stocks in the Mediterranean Sea are deteriorating at an alarming rate. A recent analysis shows that 93% of the assessed fish stocks are overexploited, and a number of them are on the verge of depletion. In addition, the Mediterranean Sea has...

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According to the Global Report on Food Crises 2017, around 108 million people in the world were severely food insecure in 2016. ©Fotolia, mrmojo 101

New global report on food crisis offers benchmark for action needed to avoid future disasters

Despite international efforts to address food insecurity, around 108 million people in the world were severely food insecure in 2016, a dramatic increase compared with 80 million in 2015, according to a new global report on food crises released in...

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Forest fragments of the Brazilian Mata Atlântica forest in Brazil, surrounded by sugar cane plantations. Photo: Usina Trapiche S/A

Emissions from the edge of the forest

When talk is of important ecosystems, tropical forests are top of the list. After all, half of the carbon stored in all of the Earth's vegetation is contained in these ecosystems. Deforestation has a correspondingly fatal effect. Scientists estimate...

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Regions characterised by landscape features are particularly biodiversity-friendly ©EU, author: Philippe Loudjani

Calculating the potential impacts of Ecological Focus Areas on biodiversity and ecosystem services

A new JRC Technical Report explores the potential impact of the implementation of Ecological Focus Areas (EFAs) on the environment.

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SETAC Europe: 2,000 scientists discuss cutting-edge research in environmental toxicology and chemistry

The Society of Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry (SETAC) Europe 27th Annual Meeting will draw 2,000 scientists from more than 60 countries from the Americas to Asia from 7–11 May to Brussels, Belgium, to discuss the latest research in...

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In most of Europe, winter cereals have recovered well from winter dormancy. ©Fotolia; author: Dusan Kostic

Crop monitoring bulletins for Europe and the European neighbourhood published

The latest JRC MARS Crop monitoring bulletins for Europe and the European neighbourhood (part of the global outlook 2017 series covering North Africa and, for the first time, Turkey and Ukraine) were published yesterday, 27 March 2017.

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Geese begin to threaten nature, agriculture and air traffic

Many parts of Europe are beginning to experience an annual biological 'invasion' from the air in recent years. This ‘invasion’ is beginning to pose new challenges to air traffic, nature conservation and agriculture as the numbers of some...

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Photo: Kaimo-Vahter

Real-time monitoring of oil compounds installed in Tallinn-Stockholm ferry

The EU-funded project GRACE, coordinated by the Finnish Environment Institute, has launched a system for real-time monitoring of oil compounds in open seawater. ”This kind of technology could have a great potential onboard on many types of vessels...

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Photo: Maiju Lehtiniemi

Microplastics – a risk to inland and marine waters in Finland

The state of Finland’s inland and marine waters has generally improved significantly over recent decades, thanks to effective water protection measures. But our waters are still under threat due to factors including microplastics, climate change,...

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The EU-Forest dataset is the most comprehensive database ever of forest resources at the EU level. ©Fotolia, haveseen

EU scientists see the forest for the trees (EU-Forest)

The JRC has recently released a high-resolution tree occurrence dataset for Europe. The EU-Forest dataset is the most comprehensive database ever of forest resources at the EU level, comprising over half a million tree occurrences and over 200...

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GrowApp: make an animation of climate change in your backyard

The newly launched GrowApp allows people to make animations of trees, gardens and landscapes by taking pictures with their smartphone. The app directly transforms these pictures in a time lapse movie that shows changes over the seasons and even over...

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The most visible effect of pollution on marine organisms is the entanglement of wildlife in marine litter. © H. Gladier

From entanglement to invasions of alien species: the harm caused by marine litter

Marine litter is a threat to the marine ecosystem, human health and economic activities. A new JRC report sheds light on the many effects of litter in our oceans, and highlights the severity and scale of the issue. The report confirms that plastic...

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