Artificial streams (mesocosms)

Short description:

Artificial streams (mesocosms)

Major research issues/sites:

Food preferences of stream macroinvertebrates
Habitat preferences of stream macroinvertebrates
Effects of disturbances in flow on macroinvertebrates
Temperature effects on macroinvertebrates, diatoms and macrophytes

Specific features/uniqueness:

Quite unique as it concerns 6 channel with 4 replicates each; statistical design

Options and conditions for visiting scientists:

Freely available subject to time constraints

Unit Cost of use and principles of costing:

Costs depend on use (type of experiment e.g. related to costs of energy, water) band cooperation

centre running the infrastructure:

WENR - Wageningen Environmental Research

type of facility:

Experimental facilities


  • WENR - Wageningen Environmental Research

Piet Verdonschot