Environmental Research Aircraft PHWUR

Short description:

Environmental Research Aircraft PHWUR

Major research issues/sites:

  • Measuring atmospheric fluxes of heat, water (evaporation) and greenhouse gases (CO2, CH4)
  • Spatial variability of surface fluxes
  • Boundary layer profiling

Short technical description:

  • Fully certified aircraft (pilot + passenger): range 300-400km, typical altitude for surface fluxes 200ft, ceiling ~6000ft, cruise speed 70knts; payload ~50kg max depending on configuration
  • Equipment: turbulence probe, thermocouple, IRGA H2O/CO2/CH4, PAR and net radiometers, infrared thermometer, laser altimeter, IGPS, DAC computer
  • Processing and mapping software

Options and conditions for visiting scientists:

Available in joint projects, otherwise available subject to time constraints and operational cost funding

Unit Cost of use and principles of costing:

  • Operational costs around €400 per flight hour (fuel, pilot, insurance, airport taxes, etc)
  • Scientific/technical preparation planning: €1000 per day, # hrs depending on complexity of operations, special permits, etc
  • Post processing: €800 per day, # hrs depending on complexity of dataset (minimum about 4hrs per flying hour)

centre running the infrastructure:

WENR - Wageningen Environmental Research

type of facility:

Experimental facilities , Laboratory / high-end instrument


  • WENR - Wageningen Environmental Research

Ronald Hutjes

Jan Elbers