NINA’s Research Station for fish ecology at Ims

Short description:

The station is located in SW Norway, near Stavanger, on the coast at the outlet of the small river Imsa. Fish dispersal in and out of the river is completely controlled by a continuously operated fish trap. The station also contains two artificial, exerimental streams and various outdoor and in-house experimental (partly climate-controlled) tanks which can hold seawater or freshwater. Atlantic salmon of various genetic strains are available. The populations of salmon and trout of the river are being monitored on a long-term basis and results from this monitoring contribute to assessments of Norway's salmon stocks. The station has a permanent staff of 5, who can to some extent assist with experiments.

Major research issues/sites:

  • Population fluctuations, recruitment, survival, dispersal, habitat selection and behaviour of anadromous fish other aquatic organisms
  • Effects of climate change, aquaculture, fisheries etc on Atlantic salmon and brown trout

Short technical description:

Natural river with two-way, continuously operated fish trap, two artificial streams, various outdoor and indoor experimental controlled tanks. Atlantic salmon of various genetic strains available.

Specific features/uniqueness:

Unique combination of controlled migration in natural river, artificial streams and lab experimental facilities for studies of anadromous fish and other aquatic organisms.

Options and conditions for visiting scientists:

Access to and use of facilities by appointment only, preferably in joint projects, conditional on capacity and veterinarian constraints.

Unit Cost of use and principles of costing:

Dependent on type of studies done. May include fish stocks and other running costs, staff support, rent of infrastructure and living quarters.

centre running the infrastructure:

CIENS - Oslo Centre for Interdisciplinary Environmental and Social Research (Norway)

type of facility:

Observatory / large-scale experimental field site