ReducPol, for the agro-environmental assessment of Spraying Technologies and Applications

Short description:

ReducPol, for the agro-environmental assessment of Spraying Technologies and Applications

Major research issues/sites:

  • Characterisation of agroproducts and agrosystems through the development of optical sensors
  • Characterisation of plots and crops through modelling tools
  • Information processing and decision-support systems
  • Global assessment of spraying application techniques and plant protection product spraying processes for promoting spraying techniques that are more effective, respectful of human health and environmental friendly

Example of results and products:

  • Analysis of the atomisation of agricultural sprays (influence of a liquid's properties)
  • Digital modelling of plant protection product deposit on plants
  • Modelling the transfer of plant protection products from nozzle to plant and dispersion in the various sections of the environment (water, soil)
  • Assessment of soil deposit and plant protection product discharge into the air during vine spraying
  • Evaluation of drift during field crop, vineyard and fruit farm applications
  • Aerial applications expertise
  • Automatic, geo-referenced traceability of plant protection product applications
  • Introduction of inspection on new and used sprayers and related procedures

Short technical description:

Particle size and velocimetry - 36 m distribution bench  - 9 m transfer wind tunnel - etc.

2000 m² platform with a full range of innovative equipment, providing the means:

  • To assess spraying quality of equipments through droplets size measurements, identification of spray fragmentation mechanisms, (laser particle sizer and speed sensor), automatic calculation of distribution under a boom spanning up to 36 metres, spray deposits on plants and off-target, full range of metrology equipment to assess agricultural spraying)
  • To study the impact of spraying through transfer mechanisms of plant protection products in the environment (drift, ground deposits, air emissions) – wind tunnel 3x2x9 m, variable wind ranging from 0 to 10 m/s
  • To conduct certification tests

Specific features/uniqueness:

  • Study of spray mechanisms (pesticides, medication, cosmetics, etc.)
  • Evaluation of application technologies for crops and no crop
  • Mechatronic design support and construction workshop

Options and conditions for visiting scientists:

Different kinds of collaboration are possible. Please contact staff for any question.

Unit Cost of use and principles of costing:

Only R&D with private companies may be subject to standard rates. For information on costs within a research collaboration, please contact the staff.

centre running the infrastructure:

INRAE - National Research Institute for Agriculture, Food and the Environment

type of facility:

Experimental facilities


  • Phone: +33 (0) 1 40 96 61 21