Employer Helmholtz Centre for Environmental Research (UFZ)
Job Title Water & Earth System Science Research Institute
Place Tübingen, Germany
Publishing Date 09-12-17
Expiry Date 20-01-18
Linkto Job Description http://www.google.de
Short Description The Universities of Tübingen, Hohenheim, Stuttgart and the Helmholtz-Centre for Environmental Research – UFZ, Leipzig, have recently founded the Water & Earth System Science Research Institute (WESS), located in Tübingen, Baden-Württemberg. The joint research centre focuses on the impact of changing environmental conditions on the water cycle as well as on the fate of pollutants and nutrients in water, soil and aquifers at the catchment scale.
Long Description WESS intends to build up several research groups focusing on “Processes at the Land Surface-Atmosphere Interface (W1)”, “Processes at the Groundwater-Surface Water Interface (W2)”, “Model-Based Optimization of Monitoring Strategies (W3)”, “Field Measurements and Environmental Sensing Technologies in the WESS Reference Catchments (the River Neckar Valley in Baden-Württemberg and the River Bode, Saxonia-Anhalt”; W4), and “Integrated Modelling at the Catchment Scale” (W5). In particular, WESS is now searching for environmental or crop scientists, geoscientists, (stochastic)hydrologists, meteorologists, (geo)physicists, applied mathematicians, civil or environmental or software engineers or computer scientist to fill the following positions: Senior scientist [W1.0] as head of the interdisciplinary workgroup “Land Surface-Atmos¬phere Interactions and Feedbacks”. The focus is on modelling water fluxes at the soil-vegetation-atmosphere interface by improving the representation of soil and vegetation in existing land surface schemes. Profound programming skills are required. <br /> Senior scientist [W3.0] for the scientific leadership of the research group “From Measure¬ments to Modelling and Model-Based Optimization of Monitoring“. Research focus is on stochastic optimal design methods and information needs for integrated large-scale models as well as on the coordination of optimal monitoring applications between the different research groups of WESS. <br /> <br /> Senior scientist [W3.1] for the development of an “Integrated Land-Surface-Atmos¬phere Data Assimilation System” using variational analysis and/or Kalman filters. Major emphasis is set on the ingestion of data from soil moisture networks, satellite observations sensitive to soil moisture, as well as scanning lidar and radar data. <br /> Field Head [W4.0] for the coordination of “Chemical Sampling and Physical Field Measure¬ment Campaigns”, supervision of monitoring networks and other WESS field activities in the River Neckar catchments. Research includes the development of either event-driven and/or time integrating/volume proportional chemical sampling devices or novel in-situ or remote sensing devices for the observation of land-surface exchange processes. <br /> <br /> Senior scientist [W4.6] for the scientific coordination of “Environmental/Remote Sens¬ing Activities” (focus on subsurface and soil) including: hierarchical imaging approaches and combination of measurement methods – from point based (core sampling and Direct Push) to areal measurements (geophysical technologies, remote sensing). <br /> Software engineer [W5.0] for the “WESS Data Management and Information Sys¬tem”. The work profile includes: devising the data base concept, setting up server and required web-services (WESS-Portal), maintaining the data base, developing data processing methods, and visual data exploration. The candidate will closely cooperate with the Tereno-DMS and scientific visualization developers (TESSIN) in Leipzig. <br /> Senior scientist [W5.1] for “Conceptual and Numerical Modelling” of subsurface processes in catchments. The work profile includes: Application and development of models for mass and energy transport at different scales, with a focus on exchange processes through vadose and hyporheic zones. The successful candidate will closely cooperate with an open-source, scientific software development group. <br /> All research groups will be complemented by a number of PhD students in the near future. Central services including field and lab technicians will also be provided by WESS. <br /> It is expected that the candidates hold a PhD (or equivalent) and have developed their own research profile in the respective field. Work experience including publications in peer-reviewed journals is requested. <br /> <br /> The positions can be filled immediately (subject to approval of funding). Appointment will be for three years, extension of contract is possible. Work place is Tübingen. Salary will be according to the German public service (TVL E13/E14). For more information see: <a target="_blank" class="external-link" title="University of Tübingen, Jobs" href="http://www.ifg.uni-tuebingen.de/services/jobs/intern/index.html">http://www.ifg.uni-tuebingen.de/services/jobs/intern/index.html </a> or contact: [W1.0]: Prof. Thilo Streck, University of Hohenheim (<a class="mail" title="Prof. Thilo Streck" href="mailto:tstreck@uni-hohenheim.de">tstreck@uni-hohenheim.de</a>, +49(0)711-459-22796) and Prof. Sabine Attinger, UFZ (<a class="mail" title="Prof. Sabine Attinger" href="mailto:sabine.attinger@ufz.de">sabine.attinger@ufz.de</a>, +49(0)341-235-1250); [W3.0]: “Jun.-Prof.” Wolfgang Nowak, University of Stuttgart (<a class="mail" title="Jun.-Prof. Wolfgang Nowak" href="mailto:wolfgang.nowak@iws.uni-stuttgart.de">wolfgang.nowak@iws.uni-stuttgart.de</a>, +49(0)711-685-60113); [W3.1]: Prof. Volker Wulfmeyer, University of Hohenheim (<a class="mail" title="Prof. Volker Wulfmeyer" href="mailto:wulfmeyer@uni-hohenheim.de">wulfmeyer@uni-hohenheim.de</a>, +49(0)711-459-22150); [W4.0, W5.1]: Prof. Peter Grathwohl, University of Tübingen (<a class="mail" title="Prof. Peter Grathwohl" href="mailto:grathwohl@uni-tuebingen.de">grathwohl@uni-tuebingen.de</a>, +49(0)7071-29-75429); [W4.6]: Dr. Peter Dietrich, UFZ (<a class="mail" title="Dr. Peter Dietrich" href="mailto:peter.dietrich@ufz.de">peter.dietrich@ufz.de</a>, +49(0)341-235-1253); [W5.0, W5.1]: Prof. Olaf Kolditz, UFZ (<a class="mail" title="Prof. Olaf Kolditz" href="mailto:olaf.kolditz@ufz.de">olaf.kolditz@ufz.de</a>, +49(0)341-235-1250).<br /> <br /> In case of equal qualification and experience physically challenged applicants are given preference. The WESS partner institutions aim at increasing the share of women in research and teaching and encourage female scientists to apply. <br /> Please send your application with detailed curriculum vitae, a publication list, statement of research interests, certificates/transcripts, and reference to the desired position before 06 December 2009 to:<br />
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