PEER is a partnership of eight of the largest European environmental centres. The partnership was founded in 2001. Our aim is to combine forces with a joint strategy in environmental sciences and to enhance research on ecological sustainability.
PEER member centres carry out basic and applied research combining different disciplines from natural and social sciences. Research covers all fields of the environment, particularly addressing the interaction between man and nature. The PEER network has a wide range of knowledge and expertise that is contributing and supporting both nationally and globally to the work in achieving the Sustainable Development Goals, and better future for us all.
To be a world leader in integrating knowledge and expertise for sustainable development.
- to build a strategic partnership of major European public environmental research centres;
- to lead a European Research Area that strengthens the knowledge base for the sustainable development of a changing world;
- and to foster innovative interdisciplinary research and cross-cutting approaches in support of national and European policy-makers, industry and society.
Currently, PEER consists of eight member institutes. Together they
- employ approximately 5,800 persons
- gather an annual budget about 600 Million Euro.
- have a vast experience in participation in major international networks and programmes (link taking further down to Networks-section),
- actively are involved in a number of projects funded by the EU's Framework Programme for Research and Development.
The PEER centres are:
UKCEH - UK Centre for Ecology and Hydrology
CIENS - Oslo Centre for Interdisciplinary Environmental and Social Research
DCE - Danish Centre for Environment and Energy
JRC - European Commission - Joint Research Centre
SYKE - Finnish Environment Institute
UFZ - Helmholtz Centre for Environmental Research
INRAE - National Research Institute for Agriculture, Food and the Environment
WENR - Wageningen Environmental Research
Collaborations with major European networks
PEER is involved in many European network collaborations, of which we highlight ALTER-Net and EurAqua.
Through ALTER-Net, former "Network of Excellence" (FP6) involving research actors from all Europe, PEER’s members develop research and share knowledge on biodiversity, ecosystem services and their complex connections with society issues. ALTER-Net website
PEER’s members contribute to the EurAqua network, well known for its expertise at the European level, to strengthen their position as leading freshwater research institutions and key advisors to ministries and water management authorities. EurAqua website