As the result of the merger of INRA and IRSTEA, INRAE is France's National Research Institute for Agriculture, Food and Environment. Its mission is to carry out excellent science in order to provide innovative solutions addressing global challenges, notably climate change, biodiversity and food security while at the same time enabling the much needed agroecological, nutritional and energy transitions. This research also serves policy making from regional to international levels, thereby contributing to the Sustainable Development Goals.
Thanks to its diverse research teams, INRAE produces targeted research, via a process in which basic science and applied science go hand in hand and discipline-specific perspectives are paired with interdisciplinary approaches. In this work, it can rely on a network of research infrastructures and experimental research units that has no equal in Europe. INRAE is fully committed to the principles of open science. It also embraces participatory science as a means of engaging with greater numbers of everyday citizens.
Key figures
- 11,500 staff members including 2,000 researchers, 3,100 engineers and assistant engineers, and 3,300 technicians
- 18 centres, 14 research divisions
- 268 research units, experimental research units and support units
- 5721 top-tier publications
- more than 50% of our publications result from international collaborations
- 450 socioeconomic partners
- €30.9M in revenue, including €9.1M in earnings from software licenses, consultancy work, and plant variety certificates
- 5 Carnot Institutes
- A budget of 1 billion euros
- 10,000 ha of experimental land