Position papers, policy briefs and statements published by PEER can be downloaded from this page.
PEER's position paper on the Framework Programme for Research and Innovation (FP10)
FP10: Keeping the environment at the heart of Europe’s future
"Sustainable development needs comprehensive risk awareness"
PEER Response to Horizon Europe Consultation
PEER position paper on FP9
"PEER topic ideas regarding Societal Challenge 5"
Priorities for research and innovation in the work programme 2018-2020
PEER response to the stakeholder consultation on HORIZON 2020 Societal challenge 5
Priorities for research and innovation of the work programme 2018-2020
PEER Position Paper “Framework Programme for Research and Innovation 2014-2020”
Published June 2013. This paper is published by PEER, the Partnership for European Environmental Research. PEER is a partnership of eight of the largest, publicly funded, interdisciplinary, environmental research centres in Europe. PEER welcomes Horizon 2020. Our institutes have interdisciplinary competences across all seven societal challenges. We also welcome the intention of the European Commission to strengthen cross-cutting research activities focused on problem solving. This report identifies how Horizon 2020 can build on the research in previous Frameworks, whilst also setting out new priorities that will ensure Europe’s economy “is more innovative, productive and competitive, whilst using fewer resources and reducing environmental impact”.
PEER Position Paper "Towards a renewed research agenda in ecotoxicology"
Published October 2011. The article is the outcome of a seminar organised in November 2010 in Lyon for PEER researchers, which saw also the participation of French Universities and EurAqua representatives. The paper focuses on ecotoxicology risk assessment and the effects of exposure on the environment at several biological levels. It has been published by Elsevier in the Environmental Pollution journal.
The PEER Response to the Green Paper “From Challenges to Opportunities:
Towards a Common Strategic Framework for EU Research and Innovation funding”
Published May 2011. This is a joint statement of the six PEER centres Alterra (NL), Centre for Ecology and Hydrology-CEH (UK), Cemagref (F), Helmholtz Centre for Environmental Research-UFZ (D), National Environmental Research Institute - Aarhus University (DK), Finnish Environment Institute - SYKE (FIN) PEER Statement on Low Carbon Economy: Environmental research can ensure that the Low Carbon Economy becomes sustainable
Published March 2011. The strategy Europe 2020 recognises that climate and resource challenges require the introduction of far-reaching social and technological innovations throughout society. The roadmap to a low carbon economy 2050 needs support from environmental research that focuses
on the links between grand challenges and develops methods for dealing with and adapting to risks and uncertainties. Such research deepens understanding of the interactions between social and ecological processes and creates the foundation for transformative social and technological innovations that the roadmap requires.
PEER Position Paper on FP8: Innovative environmental research for a changing society
Published October 2010. The position paper on FP8 to contributes to the discussion about issues which should be addressed in the framework programme. In formulating its views, PEER reflected on the successes and obstacles of previous framework programmes and carried out an internal foresight analysis of future challenges that strategic research should address.
PEER Position Paper on the Green Paper of the European Commission "The European Research Area: New Perspectives"
Published August 2007.
PEER Climate Change Statement: Climate change and sustainable development – an unprecedented challenge for the research community
Published May 2007.
PEER Position Paper on FP7
Published April 2004.